Permanent teeth in just 24 Hours

Transform Your Smile IN JUST 24 Hours WITH OUR Advanced AVIVA dental implant solutions.

Revolutionize your smile with our state-of-the-art dental implant technology. This innovative solution allows you to achieve a full mouth of permanent natural-looking, functional teeth in just ONE DAY, restoring your confidence and quality of life.

Permanent Full Mouth Dental Implant Restorations

The AVIVA Dental Implant process is a revolutionary alternative to traditional dental implants, offering a more efficient and cost-effective solution to restore your smile. By using 4 to 6 strategically placed implants, we can support a full arch of natural-looking, permanent teeth, providing you with a stunning, functional smile in just one day. With our advanced technology and expertise, we ensure a comfortable and seamless experience throughout the entire process.

Our permanent full arch AVIVA Dental Implant process offers numerous benefits, including:
  •  Fast Results: Experience immediate life-changing results with our efficient, streamlined smile makeover workflow that will allow you to enjoy a permanent full arch of natural looking, functional teeth in just one day.
  • Fewer Implants: With just 4 to 6 strategically placed implants, our dental implant process reduces the need for additional surgeries or bone grafting, making it a more comfortable and efficient option for many patients.
  • Long-Lasting: our permanent dental implant solution provides a durable, long-lasting foundation for your new teeth.
  • Improved Quality of Life: Regain the ability to eat, speak, and smile with confidence, thanks to the secure, stable foundation provided by strategically placed dental implants.
  • Affordability: Benefit from a cost-effective alternative to traditional dental implants.

At AVIVA, our state-of-the-art technology allows us to achieve a beautiful, functional smile that not only improves your appearance but also boosts your confidence and quality of life. Discover the many advantages of Aviva dental implant restorations, including our range of premium material options, and how our expert team can help you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

Introducing the AVIVA Dental Implant restoration Tier System

At AVIVA Dental Implant Center, we understand that every patient has unique needs and preferences when it comes to their dental restoration. That’s why we’ve developed an innovative and creative tier system to help you choose the best material for your dental implant restoration. We offer a range of premium material options for your dental implant restoration, ensuring a stunning, long-lasting result that meets your unique needs and preferences.

Our tier system consists of three distinct levels, each offering a combination of quality, durability, and aesthetics to suit your budget and preference.

AVIVA Ascent

The AVIVA Ascent tier offers an excellent balance between affordability and quality. This option combines the strength and bonelike high performance substructure of TriLor with the aesthetics of milled Nano ceramic teeth, providing a resilient and attractive
solution for your new smile.
Key Features:

Durable TriLor Substructure
Aesthetic Nano Ceramic teeth
Starting at 14,900 per arch*
(Additional implants included)


Experience the next level of dental restoration with the AVIVA Apex tier. This option features Zirconia bridges with or without Titanium substructure, offering an ideal blend of strength and natural appearance for a stunning, long-lasting result.
Key Features:

Outstanding Strength
Highly aesthetic & hygienic
Starting at 17,000 per arch*
(Additional implants included)

AVIVA Pinnacle

Reach the pinnacle of dental aesthetics and customization with the AVIVA Pinnacle tier.
This premium option includes individual highly aesthetic zirconia or E-max crowns on a titanium thimble bar, providing the ultimate lifelike appearance and durability for a truly exceptional smile transformation.
Key Features:

Exceptional strength and durability
Highly aesthetic Zirconia or Emax crowns on titanium thimble bar & hygienic

Starting at 25,000 per arch*
(Additional implants included)

*Additional fees may apply for case complexity, extensive bone graft, and sinus lift.

Teeth in 24 Hours Process


During this appointment, we will discuss your smile makeover goals and determine if AVIVA dental implant solution is right for you. Utilizing cutting-edge CAD/CAM technology, 3D scans, and facial and intraoral scanners, we will create tailored, facially driven treatment plans for each patient, ensuring that no two plans are identical.

Implant Placement

During your procedure, our skilled doctors will place 4 to 6 dental implants in your jawbone at strategic angles, providing a strong foundation for your new teeth. We will then use our digital scanners to transfer your implant positions to our advanced smile design software and digitally plan your new life-changing smile.

Same-Day Provisional Teeth

After your implants are placed, We will deliver printed nanoceramic teeth, allowing you to leave our office with a beautiful, a functional smile on the same day.

Final Restoration

You will get your final restoration 24 HOURS after the procedure.


Your permanent full arch dental implant journey doesn’t end once your procedure is complete. Proper aftercare and maintenance are essential to ensure the longevity and continued success of your new smile. At AVIVA, we’re committed to helping you maintain your dental implants and enjoy a lifetime of confidence. Follow our aftercare guidelines below to keep your smile looking and feeling its best.

Immediate Post-Procedure Care

1. Rest: Take it easy for the first few days following your procedure to promote healing.
2. Pain management: Use over-the-counter pain relievers or prescribed medication as directed to alleviate discomfort.
3. Swelling: Apply cold compresses to your face in 20-minute intervals to minimize swelling.
4. Diet: Stick to soft foods for the first week and avoid hard, crunchy, or sticky items that could damage your new dental implants.

Long-Term Dental Implant Maintenance

1. Oral hygiene: Brush and floss daily to maintain the health of your dental implants and surrounding teeth.
2. Regular dental checkups: Visit AVIVA for regular checkups and professional cleanings to monitor the health of your dental implants and address any potential issues early.
3. Avoid tobacco products: Smoking and chewing tobacco can compromise the success of your dental implants and negatively affect your overall oral health.
4. Protect your implants: Wear a mouthguard during sports activities, sleep, and avoid using your teeth to open packages or chew on hard objects.

Additional Support and Guidance

Our team is here to support you throughout your All on 4 dental implant journey. If you have any concerns or questions about your dental implants or need further guidance on maintaining your new smile, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re committed to helping you enjoy a lifetime of beautiful, confident smiles.

At AVIVA, we understand that you may have questions about dental implants and the treatment process. Our team has compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you make informed decisions about your dental implant journey. If you have additional questions or would like to schedule a consultation, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Ready to Schedule Your Consultation? If you’re interested in learning more about our dental implant solutions schedule a free consultation, with our dental implant expert team at AVIVA. We’re dedicated to helping you achieve a beautiful, confident smile through our state-of-the- art technology and compassionate care.


Aviva dental implants are an innovative alternative to traditional dental implants and dentures. This technique uses four to six strategically placed implants to support a full arch of natural-looking, functional teeth. The procedure is efficient and cost-effective, typically completed in just one day.

Ideal candidates for dental implants are individuals with multiple missing teeth, patients who suffer from chronic periodontal disease, patients wearing dentures, or those with failing existing dental restorations. A consultation with our dental implant experts will help determine if this treatment is the best option for your unique situation.

Recovery time varies for each patient, but most people can return to their normal activities within a few days. It is common to experience mild discomfort, swelling, and bruising after the procedure, which should subside within a week or two.

With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last for many years, often a lifetime. Regular dental checkups and good oral hygiene practices are essential for ensuring the longevity of your new smile.

The cost of dental implants varies depending on individual treatment needs. At AVIVA, we strive to make our dental implant solutions affordable by offering competitive pricing and flexible financing options.

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